Mobile Services // App
Application for the web browser-based visualization of selected information on stationary and/or mobile devices –Spectrum Power 5

Application for the web browser-based visualization of selected information on stationary and/or mobile devices –Spectrum Power 5
Area of application:
More transparency, security and greater flexibility in network operation through selective and workflow-oriented provision of information. A contribution to sustainable resource management. Spectrum Power 5
The ongoing digitalization of the medium and low-voltage grid, the increased rollout of charging infrastructure and the increasing integration of decentralized feed-ins are presenting grid operators and municipal utilities with growing challenges in grid operation and grid service.
Operating personnel and service staff must be able to quickly gain an overview of the overall situation and require targeted information in order to carry out their specific tasks.
The data and information required for this is available in the network control system, but also on other IT systems. Access requires individual system knowledge and access rights.
In order to meet these new challenges, the system-independent provision of information and data from the network control system and other IT systems in a consolidated and workflow-oriented form is necessary. Access must be simple, fast and flexible
The provision of information should be possible both for the company’s own area of responsibility and for third parties as part of service contracts.
The Electrification & Automation Division of the Siemens Regional Company Germany has developed a “Mobile Service App” as part of an innovation project together with the platform provider “BentoNet GmbH” and the development partners Hanseatische Software-Entwicklungs- und Consulting GmbH and Ingenieurbüro pohmann & partner (interface development).
The Mobile Service App is hosted in BentoNet GmbH’s local data center and, in its current version, has read access to data from the Siemens “Spectrum Power 5” network control system.
The end user has client-specific access to the web browser-based application and can use mobile devices, such as tablets or iPads, or standard desktop browsers.
The decoupling of data provision from the Spectrum Power 5 system from the data supply of the Mobile Service App ensures that the network control system is protected and meets the highest IT security standards.
NetConnect from BentoNet is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) service package with unprecedented depth for critical infrastructure. NetConnect enables the secure, simple and independent connection of BentoNet Ready devices and systems to the BentoNet WorkDesk. Find out more on the product pages:
Siemens AG
Siemens Deutschland
Smart Infrastructure
Grid Automation
Network operator
Municipal utilities
Industry and infrastructure
Individual offer after task clarification